Third-Party Sales Features That Make Your Number Plate Search Simpler

Are you looking for a way to express your creativity and personality through your vehicle? One of the most popular ways to do this is by choosing a customized or private number plate. These plates range in price from less than 200 pounds to thousands, but they all have one thing in common:

They are all best purchased from a DVLA-recognized third-party website. 

Why should you shop third-party instead of through the DVLA itself? Here are just a few of the features that will make you want to start your number plate search with one of these sellers:

Customization Under UK Law

The laws regulating vehicle number plates in the United Kingdom are strict. These laws make it harder for UK drivers to personalize their plates than drivers in many other countries – and make it difficult to know what is legal and what is not. 

If you purchase your number plate through a recognized third-party seller, you can be confident that the plate you purchase will be entirely legal under these guidelines. Existing plates will be offered as-is and are guaranteed to be street-legal. Many retailers also offer made-to-order plates, which are created with a template that ensures compliance with all necessary rules and regulations. Once you know what kind of reference, word, or phrase you want your plate to include, it is easy to make it happen with these retailers’ customization platforms. 

Number Plate Search 

It is common for a number plate a driver wants to already exist. In these cases, it is important to find a recognized third-party reseller. These providers typically offer number plate search to help you find the exact plate you are looking for, rather than sifting through thousands or even millions of options. 

Many of these options are combinations that are not in high demand, or which would not be meaningful to anyone except the driver or their family. In these cases, finding the plate on a listing would take looking through pages and pages of offerings. If you are looking for one of these less common combinations or sequences, consider a site with a number plate search to find your perfect plate in a single click. 

Finance Options 

Another important feature in today’s marketplace is a financing option. These days, the cost of living has many people worrying about making ends meet. This makes it difficult to budget for larger or more frivolous purchases, including accessories or decorations for a vehicle. If you or your loved one wants a customized number plate, it might be more sensible to choose a retailer that offers financing. 

Imagine purchasing a personalized plate for your friend or loved one. You might not have the money upfront for the total cost, as rare plates can cost hundreds or even thousands of pounds. However, shopping with a retailer that offers financing options can help you make that possible – without dipping into savings or other important funds. 

Transfer Management 

Once you have purchased a new number plate, the process of transferring your plates will begin. If you decide you want to use the plate right away, you will need to transfer it to your current vehicle, transfer the vehicle’s current plates to a certificate or have them discontinued. If you want to save the new plate for a later date or as a collector’s item or investment, you will need to acquire a certificate to hold it for these purposes. 

These processes can be stressful, especially if you do not know the steps required or were not planning on taking them on. Thankfully, all recognized retailers who offer third-party number plate sales also offer help with the transfer process. This not only streamlines your purchase and removes much of the hassle from the process, but it also gets you through that process faster. With professional transfer management, you can make your purchase and let the retailer handle the rest, getting your vehicle and plates ready to hit the road. 

Options for Selling

When you purchase a number plate, you are probably left with one that will no longer be used. In this case, you will need to either get rid of or sell the plate, and many of the third-party retailers who offer number plate sales also offer a platform for selling your old plates. 

This is not only a boon for those who are swapping out one plate for another, but also for people who have previously purchased a personalized plate. Whether you purchased the plate and had your personal circumstances change or you simply have multiple plates that you are waiting to sell at the right time, these sales platforms can make it easy to connect with a buyer and get the money you want for your old plate. 

If you cannot find a third-party company to help you find the perfect number plate, you can always secure one through the DVLA directly. However, third-party companies are always the best bet for full customization, transfer facilitation, number plate search, and other helpful services that make finding the right plate easier and more enjoyable.